venerdì 27 dicembre 2013

Books around the world # 10

Buon pomeriggio a tutti,
come avete passato questa prima parte di feste natalizie? Io mangiando, mangiando, mangiando e mangiando. Mia mamma e mia suocera cucinano così bene che alla fine di tutte queste abbuffate rotolerò come un barilotto.
Vabbè metteremo a dieta a gennaio.
Allora, il blog piano piano riparte e oggi vi faccio conoscere le segnalazioni e le anteprime internazionali, grazie a NetGalley.
A proposito di NetGalley...qualche giorno fa avevo proposto di lanciare una petizione per avere qualcosa di simile anche con i libri italiani....qualcuno di voi ha le capacità per occuparsene? Io sono una schiappa in queste cose.
ok, ok la smetto di cianciare e vi faccio vedere quello che ho scovato:

Before we fall
di Courtney Cole

Sometimes before we fall...we fly.

One dark moment was all it took to turn twenty-four-year-old Dominic Kinkaide's world black. On the night of his high school graduation, a single incident changed him forever, and he became a hardened man-famous in the eyes of the world, but tortured inside. Now all he cares about is losing himself in the roles that he plays.
At twenty-three years old, Jacey Vincent doesn't realize how much her father's indifference has affected her. She is proof that sometimes it isn't one specific moment that wrecks a person, but an absence of moments. She tries to find acceptance in the arms of men to fill the void-a plan that has worked just fine for her, until she meets Dominic.
When jaded Dominic and strong-willed Jacey are thrown together, the combination of his secrets and her issues turns their attraction into the perfect storm. It could change their lives for good-if it doesn't tear them both apart . . .

di Priscilla West

There would be no happy ending for us. He was too damaged. I was too broken.

Two years ago, Lorrie’s mother was murdered. But that wasn’t the end of it. Reeling from the tragedy, Lorrie’s father spiraled into alcohol, depression, and finally suicide.
The two most important people in Lorrie’s life are both gone but she’s still alive.
Trying to recover from the tragedy, Lorrie returns to campus, ready to pick up the pieces of her life. All Lorrie wants is to get back to “normal.”
Then she meets Hunter. The man, the legend, “The Hammer.”
Hunter is a cage fighter who takes on every fight like he’s got nothing to lose. His life is a tangled mess of girls, booze, and fist fights. And while it may seem like he’s got a devil-may-care attitude, he’s fighting a private cage-match with a monster he can’t defeat.
Lorrie knows that Hunter is exactly the type of guy she should stay away from, especially in her fragile state, but Hunter has other ideas.
As Hunter and Lorrie grow closer together, will they be able to overcome their pain and heal each other? Or will they both end up wrecked?

Dead Beautiful
di Yvonne Woon

On the morning of her sixteenth birthday, Ren e Winters was still an ordinary girl. She spent her summers at the beach, had the perfect best friend, and had just started dating the cutest guy at school. No one she'd ever known had died. But all that changes when she finds her parents dead in the Redwood Forest, in what appears to be a strange double murder.
After the funeral Ren e's wealthy grandfather sends her to Gottfried Academy, a remote and mysterious boarding school in Maine, where she finds herself studying subjects like Philosophy, Latin, and the "Crude Sciences." 
It's there that she meets Dante Berlin, a handsome and elusive boy to whom she feels inexplicably drawn. As they grow closer, unexplainable things begin to happen, but Ren e can't stop herself from falling in love. It's only when she discovers a dark tragedy in Gottfried's past that she begins to wonder if the Academy is everything it seems. Little does she know, Dante is the one hiding a dangerous secret, one that has him fearing for her life.
Dead Beautiful is both a compelling romance and thought-provoking read, bringing shocking new meaning to life, death, love, and the nature of the soul.

Allora, io sto leggendo Dead Beautiful, sono solo alle prime pagine, ma l'inglese è molto semplice e quindi riesco a starci dietro, spero di riuscire a finirlo (nonostante me la cavi abbastanza con l'inglese, leggere in lingua non mi piace molto) e quindi di postarvi al più presto la recensione. Sono incuriosita anche dagli altri titoli, in particolare Before we fall.
E voi? Fatemi sapere quale di questi libri ha attirato la vostra attenzione.
Un bacione!

4 commenti:

  1. 'Dead beautiful' sembra interessante. Peccato l'orribile cover.

  2. Netgallery fa sempre gola, peccato che al momento ho poco tempo per leggere la marea delle loro proposte da recensire *___*
    Magari, in italia tra la legge Levi e quant'altro non ci permetteranno mai di avere questo lusso ç__ç


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