lunedì 18 novembre 2013

Books around the World # 8

Buon pomeriggio a tutti!
Allora, che ne dite della nuova grafica? Lo so, lo so, ne avevo messa un'altra ieri sera ma poi ci ho pensato su e mi sono detta che era troooooppo primaverile e quindi ho deciso di tenerla in serbo per la prossima bella stagione. Non mi convinceva tutto quel rosa e splender di sole in queste giornate un po' cupe e così mi sono messa sotto con Photoshop ed ecco qua: una grafica più adatta al mood autunno / inverno, con quei cuoricini che alleggeriscono l'atmosfera un po' gloomy. Vi piace?

Ma passiamo al post di oggi. E' un po' che non pubblico la rubrica Books around the World ed è giunto il momento di rendervi edotti di tutte le uscite, segnalazioni e anteprime internazionali che più mi hanno colpito.

Neal Shusterman, Eric Elfman

After their home burns down, fourteen-year-old Nick, his younger brother, and their father move into a ramshackle Victorian house they've inherited. When Nick opens the door to his attic room, he's hit in the head by a toaster. That's just the beginning of his weird experiences with the old junk stored up there. After getting rid of the odd antiques in a garage sale, Nick befriends some local kids-Mitch, Caitlin, and Vincent-and they discover that all of the objects have extraordinary properties. What's more, Nick figures out that the attic is a strange magnetic vortex, which attracts all sorts of trouble. It's as if the attic itself has an intelligence . . . and a purpose.
Ultimately Nick learns that the genius Nikola Tesla placed the items-his last inventions-in the attic as part of a larger plan that he mathematically predicted. Nick and his new friends must retrieve everything that was sold at the garage sale and keep it safe. But the task is fraught with peril-in addition to the dangers inherent in Tesla's mysterious and powerful creations, a secret society of physicists, the Accelerati, is determined to stop Nick and alter destiny to achieve its own devious ends. It's a lot for a guy to handle, especially when he'd much rather fly under the radar as the new kid in town.
Jon Dixon
The story that inspired CBS TV’s Intelligence. Phoenix Island was supposed to be a boot camp for troubled children. But as one boy learns, the secrets of this jungle are as vast as they are deadly.
When sixteen-year-old boxing champ Carl Freeman jumps in to defend a helpless stranger, he winds up in real trouble—a two-year sentence at an isolated boot camp for orphans. Carl is determined to tough it out, earn a clean record, and get on with his life. Then kids start to die.
Realizing Phoenix Island is actually a Spartan-style mercenary organization turning “throwaway kids” into super-soldier killers, Carl risks everything to save his friends and stop a madman bent on global destruction.

Amanda Gray
Jenny knows she’s different. After all, she sees the past lives of people she touches. But when Nikolai, the mysterious boy she painted, shows up claiming to be a love from a past life, Jenny is forced to accept that he has traveled through time to find her. Now, Jenny and Nikolai must fight against the Order, an ominous organization tasked with keeping people in the correct time. The Order is determined to send Nikolai back. And fighting them could tear Jenny and Nikolai apart -- this time for eternity.
S. J. Lomas
For Christine, dreams have never meant much. Until she meets Gabriel. Everyone thinks Christine should stay away from her new coworker at the library—thanks to his bad reputation—but when her dreams grow more vivid and she becomes entangled in a dangerous dream world with Gabriel every night, she can’t stay away. Soon it’s clear there is far more to dreams than Christine ever imagined, and now she’s on the path to making the biggest, and strangest, decision of her life.
Ecco qui! Quale di questi attira la vostra attenzione? Io mi sono innamorata della cover di Endless. devo essere sincera mi ha colpita anche la trama! E voi? Quale di questi libri comprereste?

6 commenti:

  1. Ciao !! Il libro che mi ha colpito di più è stato Endless sia per la meravigliosa cover ma anche per la trama molto interessante :) Penso che lo comprerò.

    1. Sarà che sono un'eterna romantica ma l'idea di un amore ché sfida il tempo mi attira sempre...

  2. Per quello che ne ho capito (xD) sembra interessante Endless! Per non parlare della copertina *____*
    Comunque c'è un premio per te sul mio blog ;)

  3. Grafica bellissima *.* mi piace tanto...ottima scelta ;)


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